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General Information

The Nordonian laws are originally written in the official language of Nordonia, Swedish. The laws listed here are translated from Swedish to English. Minor translation errors might therefor be present. If something is unclear, please, do not hesitate to point it out and ask for clarification. Nordonian laws consist of a number followed by a section sign (§) and a title. The law text is then compiled of different points that make up the main law text.

The Nordonian Law

1§ - The Migration Act

1. Entry without citizenship requires ID. Upon arrival, identification must be surrendered and checked.

2. Entry is permitted and does not require a permit if the person has not been expelled. If entry occurs despite a ban, it is counted as a criminal offense and is punishable.

3. Swedish police and rescue personnel may enter freely if necessary.


2§ - The Gun Law

1. A-class firearms are not prohibited, but to import one requires a permit.

2. Firearms may be manufactured by an individual for personal use, but requires a permit to be sold.

3. The possession and/or import of ammunition does not require any kind of permit.

4. B and C class firearms do not require a permit to manufacture, own, buy/sell, or import. However, the owner must be at least 15 years of age.

5. A firearm is defined as an assembly of firearm components. Without said components, it is no longer a firearm. these components include:


Bolt / Slide / Action

Cylinder(revolvers only)

6. Swedish police may at need bring their service firearms into the country without prior notice or a permit.


3§ - The Property & Ownership Law

1. Government property may only be modified, or demolished, at the request and approval of the Nordonian government.

2. Private property may only be modified, or demolished, by its owner, or by the Nordonian government if needed.


4§ - The Officials Act

1. Falsely claiming to be the Supreme Leader, a Nordonian soldier or other existing or made-up government official, from either Nordonia or any other country, with intent to mislead the public or government is prohibited.

2. Anyone who is a Nordonian soldier may not use issued equipment when not on duty.

3. Unless otherwise stated, Nordonian military equipment may not be supplemented with any other foreign military equipment. However, it is acceptable to wear civilian clothes under the uniform, including civilian shoes.


5§ - The Document Law

1. Documents without the signature of the Supreme Leader are not considered valid in Nordonia if the validity of the document is relevant. An exception to this is if the document is a certificate or other document where the signature of the Supreme Leader is not relevant.

2. Unlawfully gaining access to, modifying or otherwise destroying Nordonian and other valid documents is prohibited. This also applies to digital documents.

3. Forging government documents and other documents with intent to mislead the government or other readers is prohibited and punishable.

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