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National Infantry Batallion


The National Infantry Batallion (Nationella Infanteribataljonen) is our one and only infantry batallion. It currently consists of 1 reserve and no active soldiers. This is because the batallion is very new and our army is still under development.


The purpose of the National Infantry Batallion is to protect Nordonia from potential national threats, defend Nordonia or/and it's allies against a potential armed invasion. However, the purpose of the Nordonian armed forces is to eliminate the will to invade Nordonia in the first place. It is possible, but the amount of effort required for such a small piece of land makes it not worth it to invade.


We had a military basic training and exercise scheduled for summer this year. It's called Microwind 2020. It's main puropose was to recruit and train new soldiers, which is currently the priority of the Nordonian military. However, due to the recent outbreak of COVID-19, this exercise has been cancelled.

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